
宾夕法尼亚州通过以下途径向合格的州居民提供基于需求的赠款资金 的 Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA). 作为一名学生,当你提交的时候,你就开始了PA州资助申请过程 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you wish to apply for funds for a Summer PA State Grant, you must complete a separate 应用程序.

Ensuring MCCC Receives PA State Grant Information

蒙哥马利县社区学院必须列在你的学校选择名单上 Grant 应用程序 in order for you to receive 的 PA State Grant at Montco.

You can review and/or update your 学校的选择 with PA州拨款计划.

  • 使用您的AES或PA状态授权帐户凭据登录或创建一个新帐户.
  • Once logged in, select 的 current academic year under Grant Status > Change School 信息表. Update 的 学校的选择 and 提交. Note: this change only adjusts 的 PA State Grant record, not 的 FAFSA.
Basic Eligibility Requirements

的 basic eligibility requirements reviewed by 的 PA州拨款计划 when it receives an 应用程序 are:

  • Meets 的 应用程序 deadline by filing 的 FAFSA by May 1 prior to 的 academic year you plan to attend. (First-time applicants attending MCCC have a one-time extended deadline of August 1; future year 应用程序s MUST 必须在5月1日前提交申请.)
  • Meets criteria for financial need
  • Enrolled on at least a half-time (at least 6 credits in 课程 spanning 15 weeks or more for fall and spring award periods) basis in an associate's degree program and does not already have a bachelor's degree
  • U.S. high school graduate or 的 recipient of a G.E.D.
  • Pennsylvania resident (domiciliary)

Additional School Certification Eligibility Requirements

发给PA州助学金计划学生的PA州助学金奖励通知 should be considered estimates. Even after you receive a State grant award notice, PA州助学金计划要求大学进行额外的资格检查. PA州计划将向MCCC发送获得州助学金的所有学生的官方名单 at 的 beginning of each semester (including summer). Your PA State grant will appear on 的 financial aid award notice as "estimated" until eligibility is confirmed. 的 以下是中冶经济援助将进行的一些资格检查 staff prior to any State grant funds being disbursed to a student’s account.

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PA国家资助计划认为全职状态至少为12个学分 semester and half-time status as at least 6 credits in a semester. 这只能归功于 作为学生当前学习计划的一部分计入入学 status used to determine eligibility. Enrollment status can also be impacted by individual 课程. Please read 的 information on "Remedial Exception" and "Online and Hybrid 课程”(下图).

Definition of Semester Length (fall & 春季学期)

PA州资助计划规定了至少15周的学期长度(连续); 因此,以下类型的入学不符合PA州补助金的资格:

  • Enrollment in only one 7 week term
  • Enrollment in any non-credit programs
  • Enrollment in only a certificate program
  • 注册烹饪艺术课程,不跨越整个传统 学期长度

注册15周和7周学期的学生符合PHEAA的要求 学期长度; however, if enrolled in 的 7-week II term that begins mid-way through 本学期,学院被要求延迟支付PA国家补助金 until 的 first day of 的 later course.

Remedial and/or ESL Course Enrollment

如果学生正在补习(发展性)或ESL(英语作为第二语言) 此外,学生还必须在一个学期内修满至少3个正规学位学分 to be considered for a PA State Grant. A student is only eligible to receive this 2个全日制或4个兼职的综合学分支付类型(补救例外) 学期. After a student has received 的 maximum number of remedial exceptions, 只有普通学位学分可以在确定注册状态时用于额外的 国家拨款.


要考虑获得PA州助学金,学生必须符合PA州助学金计划 academic progress requirement. This requirement applies to students who received a State grant in a prior academic year. If a student received a State grant at a different 大学,需要该学院的成绩单来证实该学术 取得了进展. For 的 most recent year a State grant was received, a student must 成功完成每项全日制奖学金至少12学分和/或6学分 每笔兼职补助金. For example, if a student received two full-time 国家拨款 在前一年(秋季和春季学期),PA州资助计划要求 学生必须成功修满至少24个学分才有资格 for a State grant in 的 current year.

Change in 注册状态

注册状态的变化会影响学生获得PA州助学金的资格. 以下是一些可能导致调整的bt365体育备用网站变化的例子 to a student's State grant during a semester.

学院将定期审查学生的入学情况,以确保他们有 在学期结束时或结束后没有退出或停止上课. 当财政援助办公室被告知学生已经退出课程 或停止参加,学生的PA国家助学金资格将被审查和 相应的调整.

减免费用:如果您的学费和费用因取款而减少/取消, 学费减免,或不出勤,你已经获得的PA州助学金的金额 奖励可能会调整.  In 的se cases, you may owe 的 College for 的 amount that 归还给PHEAA.

  • Drop from full-time to half-time
  • Drop from half-time to less-than-half-time
  • 官方撤军
  • Switching from a regular degree course to one that is remedial or ESL
  • Unofficial Withdrawal (stop attending classes)

Summer State Grant Eligibility

的 Summer PA State Grant requires a separate 应用程序 在3月中旬至8月15日之间提交 夏季学期.

In addition to all o的r eligibility criteria noted above, you must be registered in at least 6 credits during 的 summer in a period of enrollment that’s at least 5 weeks in length (does not need to be consecutive) to be considered. 巴勒斯坦国 助学金计划还要求MCCC拒绝向学生申请夏季州助学金 account until after 的 first day of 的 summer II term.



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PA Student Loan Relief for Nurses (SLRN) Program

SLRN计划将使那些已经并将继续不知疲倦地工作的护士受益 to fight COVID-19大流行. Individuals eligible to participate in 的 SLRN Program 是英联邦的居民并获得美国国务院的工作许可吗 在联邦内的合格护理机构担任合格护士 COVID-19大流行.

符合资格的SLRN申请人可被选择获得最高为 每年2500美元(从2020年开始),不超过3年 a maximum benefit of $7,500.


Blind or Deaf Beneficiary Grant Program

这个国家资助的项目为失明或失聪的学生提供经济援助 attending Montgomery County Community College.

View eligibility requirements and access 的 应用程序.

Fostering Independence 学费 Waiver Program

从2020年秋季学期开始,培养独立学费减免计划 为正在或曾经被寄养的学生提供学费和强制性费用的豁免 护理. 此豁免仅适用于所有其他捐赠援助(联邦, 州奖学金和其他奖学金或助学金)已申请到学生的账户.

View eligibility requirements and access 的 应用程序.

Coordinator of 奖学金, Outreach, and Special 项目, 金融援助

Pennsylvania Chafee Education and Training Grant Program

这个由联邦政府资助的项目向宾夕法尼亚大学毕业的学生提供助学金 寄养.

View eligibility requirements and access 的 应用程序.

的 Pennsylvania Targeted Industry Program (PA-TIP)

宾夕法尼亚州目标产业计划(PA-TIP)为符合条件的企业提供资助 在蒙哥马利县社区注册以下证书课程的学生 大学:

  • 医疗协助
  • 医务室助理
  • 医疗编码

注意:已完成学士或研究生学位的学生有资格 申请PA-TIP奖.

View eligibility requirements and access 的 应用程序.

Postsecondary Educational Gratuity Program (PEGP)

PEGP表彰那些为保护宾夕法尼亚州公民而牺牲生命的人 通过提供学费减免和 费用. This waiver applies only to charges that remain after all o的r grants (federal, state, and outside scholarships) have been applied to 的 student’s account.

View eligibility requirements and access 的 应用程序.